An AI self-improvement plan: time management week! (2/10)

 A month ago I launched my series in which I asked AI to make me a self-improvement college course and today, it’s time for part two! The second area of self-improvement was time management. After all, who doesn’t want more hours in the day? For reading material, AI recommended me ‘Getting things done’ by David Allen. Let’s see how it went!

(screenshot here)

The book

First things first, I listened to the audio book of ‘Getting things done’. But if you’re planning on following along in this series I have one main piece of advice: buy the physical book!!! Attempting to absorb Allen's wisdom via audio felt like trying to catch a waterfall in a teacup. The book is long and even the author himself recommends in the book to read certain chapters twice to fully absorb all the information that you’re getting. This is not the book for you if you are looking for an easy to read, inspiring story. Allen provides us with a lot facts, why’s and how to’s. And yes, you might find yourself swimming through some dry patches. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither are stellar time management skills. Besides this I felt that some parts of the system were not very relevant for me personally, but that is an experience relevant to where I’m at in life right now and something that might change.

However, I am fully convinced that the information that you get from this book is of invaluable worth. After listening to this and seeing the results from implementing some of the suggested methods, I raced to my local bookstore to get a physical copy of this book. I am ready to annotate, highlight, and absorb every ounce of knowledge. But even with the small steps I have taken so far, I already feel such an improvement. My desk is tidier, my schedule clearer, and my stress levels? Well, let's just say they're taking a much-needed vacation.

Long story short: this book is an immense pill of information to swallow, but I would recommend everyone to read and re-read!



In conclusion, the contents of week 2 of this course were a bit more valuable to me than week 1 and my hope for this AI course is starting to return. However, the book was an overload of information and quite hard to read and fully understand. Therefore, I’m giving it 4/5 stars. So, what's next on our self-improvement agenda? Confidence week! Super excited to share those results with you again J

Until next time!


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