2024 ins and outs
Hi everyone!
We’re a few weeks into January and I hope you’re all doing well! The start of the year has been a whirlwind for me, but I think by now I’ve settled in quite nicely by now. You know what didn’t help though? Being asked a million times about my new year’s resolutions (if only you could see my eye roll through the screen). Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for personal growth and actually a big fan of all things self-improvement. However, the extra added pressure that comes with the new year and makes you feel like your whole life has to do a 180 is not it for me, and I think a lot of people can relate to that sentiment.
Because of this, a new trend caught my attention at the end of last year: people were posting their “2024 ins and outs”. Instead of setting strict rules this is a more mild way to state what you want more or less of this year. I wanted to jump on the trend so here’s my take on it!
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ins and outs
ins and outs ♡
1) Random acts of kindness
This has been in my life for a few years and always will be. I love seeing people’s smiles when you unexpectedly do something nice for them. It really doesn’t have to be big or cost any money, try holding the door open for someone next time you go somewhere and see how it feels.
2) Taking action
I’ve always been a dreamer and while that isn’t necessarily a bad thing it does mean that I spend more time in my head than I actually do something with the ideas I think of. This year I really want to change gears and start bringing some ideas I’ve had for years into reality.
3) Mental health walks
Around end of summer last year I started going on 30 minute walks a few times a week and I think it has been one of the biggest game changers for my mental health. So definitely want to keep going on walks this year and maybe even increase the quantity!
4) Digital nomad life
When I heard that I had to leave my job around September last year, I was heartbroken. I truly loved my job and the people I worked with and it pained me to have to leave them. However, because of that I got the opportunity to do something I’ve been wanting for a really long time: become a freelancer! This year I want to take that a step further and have a taste of the digital nomad life. My plan is to go abroad for longer periods 2 times this year, and one of those is already planned!
5) Reading
If you’ve been reading my blog, you know I love reading! I’ve loved it since I was a little kid, my parents actually had to take me to the library twice a week because I would go through 14 books every seven days lol. I think this is something that is always going to be a constant in my life and I’m very happy about that.
6) Affirmations & gratitude
This year is going to be all about more self-love! From all the books and articles I’ve read and podcasts I’ve listened to I heard that affirmations & gratitude are a really good way to start shifting towards a more positive mind set. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for that and I’m really excited to start working on it.
7) The fuck it attitude
No more caring about other people’s opinions!!!! Do whatever you want and do it proudly!! Unapologetically take up space!!!
8) Finding community
I’ve loved every second of working as a freelancer since I’ve started but one thing I have struggled with is the lack of social contact that I first had with my colleagues. This year I really want to try and find/build a community of people who get what I’m doing.
9) Meditation
I’ve been dabbling in meditation for years, but this year I really want to commit to it. I have this goal of doing 10 minutes on every week day and I’m slowly going to build the habit of doing that!
10) Productivity
No more finding excuses to not be productive. This year I’m going to find ways to boost my productivity.
1) Hangovers
I don’t know if it’s been the past holiday season or if I’m just getting old, but I am kind of done with getting drunk and really done with having hangovers. I made myself a challenge to not get drunk anymore until my birthday, which is at the end of April. I’m curious to see how it goes and maybe I will continue from there! Whatever it will be, I’m extremely excited to not be hungover anymore for at the least the coming few months.
2) Lazy days
Last year I noticed a trend that what I deemed my ‘resting days’ were actually just lazy days and were not helping me at all. Resting to me was doing as little as possible, but I found out that that only makes me feel bad. So this year, no more lazy days masquerading as resting. This year I’m seeking a routine that genuinely rejuvenates and boosts my system.
3) Mindless eating
I’ve been learning a lot about nutrition the past months and I’ve been looking at my eating patterns. After studying myself for a while I found out that I do a lot of mindless eating, out of boredom or just something to do while I, for example, watch TV. This year I want to focus more on intuitive eating and learning to listen to my body for hunger cues.
4) Overthinking
This one is going to be very difficult because I have been an over thinker for all my life. But my over thinking leads me to make assumptions about people that can hurt them and additionally, it makes me doubt myself a lot and I don’t want to do that anymore. I hope that the affirmations and meditation will be my allies in this goal.
5) Jealousy
I mean do I need to explain? This year I’m focusing on self love and becoming more confident. In that picture, there is no place for jealousy.
6) A messy space
I am a terribly messy person. If my floor is not littered with clothes, books and other random stuff, something is probably wrong. But not anymore! I want to focus on having a clean space to create more structure and peace in my head and my life.
7) Dehydration
Drink! Your! Water!
8) Doom scrolling
I don’t know how much time I’ve wasted on just scrolling on my phone, but going along with my productivity theme, I am going to stop doom scrolling this year. I am actually planning to set a time limit on my phone for some apps which I think will really help me.
9) Impulse spending
There has been multiple occasions where I’ve spend money on something and regretted it 10 seconds later. But impulse spending is very out this year. I am going to take control of my finances and money and think at least 24 hours before spending my budget.
10) Social media comment sections
If there is one place on earth I hate the most, it’s social media comment sections. Every time I scroll through and see so many people spew hate, it immediately makes me sad and angry with the world. I want to avoid that feeling as much as possible and will therefore stay away from these places as far as possible.
ins and outs
ins and outs ♡
And that’s it! My god, it feels liberating writing this all down and actually having a vision for the future. I’m also glad to have it here on my little blog so it will serve as a constant reminder. I hope you enjoyed reading about my life and maybe found some inspiration for some “ins and outs” of your own. Let me know which ones you are taking into this year in the comment section and I will see you again soon!